Shake Blue Monday
Go for a walk. If you aren’t ready to go outside, bring the outside in by adding plants or plastering nature scenes in pictures across your home. A study from 2013 suggested this does wonders for your psychological health.
What Is Blue Monday?
Blue Monday has been dubbed the most depressing day of the year. January, in general, is a time that causes low employee engagement.
The Blue Monday concept surfaced in 2005 during a press release from the British travel company, Sky Travel, during a PR stunt. Citing psychologist Dr Cliff Arnall, a formula pointing to the third Monday in January described the day as being the gloomiest of the year.
- Weather
- Debt
- Monthly salary
- Time since Christmas
- Time since failing new year’s resolutions
- Low motivation levels
- The feeling of a need to take action
- It is believed that the problem is related to the way that the body responds to light. The main theory suggests that a lack of sunlight may stop a part of the brain called the hypothalamus from working properly. This could impact the production of the hormone melatonin, which makes you feel sleepy. People with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) produce it at higher levels than normal. The production of serotonin could also be affected, further impacting mood, appetite and sleep.
Low serotonin levels are also linked to feelings of depression.
There is no scientific evidence to prove Blue Monday is the worst day for depression or other symptoms so TURN THIS BLUE MONDAY into a positive bright blue day.
It is a time to reach out for a cuppa and catch up with the people you care about.
Show employees that you appreciate and care about them, it is a great way of lifting their spirits in the gloomier times. Research found that 77% of employees would work harder if they felt better recognised.
it’s important that we all do more to self-care for our mental health in the way we look after our physical health, without stressing about it. A fantastic thing people can be doing as it releases happy endorphins and chemicals is increasing physical activity. Research has shown that physical activity can help boost mental health in the following ways:
- Happier moods
- Better sleep
- Managing stress
- Reducing the risk of depression
- In fact, outdoor exercise can be as effective as antidepressants in treating depression
Did you know that 73% of UK office workers never take a full one-hour lunch break? The average employee spends just 29 minutes away from their desk. Yet time away from your desk at work can increase energy levels, decrease exhaustion, reduce or prevent stress, and help to maintain performance throughout the day. So, be sure to take time out for yourself each lunchtime and encourage others to do the same.
A short walk outdoors is also a great way to get active and top up your exposure to natural sunlight.
Finally, according to research the colours you wear can boost your mood, behaviour, and stress levels. They can even change the way people respond to you.
Happy Monday